In the most monumental Supreme Court decision in 50 years, last month we rejoiced when the Supreme Court finally and rightly recognized there is no constitutional right to abortion.
All of us on the board of Florida Right to Life are still pinching ourselves that this happened. And while we are still jubilant, we must stop and reflect on what this means to the whole Pro-Life movement, and . . . what comes next!
What happened next . . . was watching our Pro-Life pregnancy centers and Right to Life offices come under attack by the pro-abortion minded who say they care about women but, in fact, are trying to destroy the very help women want and need.
Many of you have reached out to Florida Right to Life and asked this simple question . . . “what now?”
First, let me thank you for asking, and then thank you again for your tireless dedication to protecting the lives of our most innocent citizens, our unborn babies.
Our statewide success is only because of you and people like you. Pro-Life advocates care deeply about the mother, the baby, and their protection.
Want to Help?
Here are some “Action” things to do:
- Continue giving your financial support to Florida Right to Life as we continue to fight on the front lines. We must pass more pro-life legislation in the state of Florida and elect more pro-life legislators. Our work is entering a new frontier
- Support your local pro-life pregnancy center. I know many of them need volunteers like you! You can donate your time or resources to a local center in your area.
- Look carefully at the needs in your specific community and fill that gap. You can start a mommy and baby wardrobe closet.
- Start a diaper-drive in your local community or church. Donate them where needed: for example: our church just did a huge diaper drive, we donated half to the Florida Baptist Children’s Home and half to a local Pregnancy Center.
- Partner with local charities that help mothers and babies.
- Support children and parents involved in the foster care system.
- Start a mommy and baby support group in your church.
And . . . you are most welcome to add more suggestions! I know we have wonderful and clever members who will produce great ideas to help pregnant women and families in need.
Finally, my challenge to you is this:
- Pick At Least One Item On This List
- Do It
- Let Us Know Of Your Success . . . we would be thrilled to report to our members
Please know that Florida Right to Life will be working this next legislative session to promote and pass more protective Pro-Life legislation. Last year’s 15-week bill was a significantly important success but with overturning of Roe we can save more babies lives and save their mothers from a lifetime of regret.
For their lives,
Lynda Bell
Florida Right to Life